Home ยป Monopoly Go Captain’s Quest event rewards

Monopoly Go Captain’s Quest event rewards

monopoly go captain's quest event rewards

Prepare to set sail in Monopoly Go with the Captain’s Quest which has an array of rewards for players to earn.

To score points towards this event, you must land on Utility and Tax tiles. As always, the higher the multiplier you roll on, the bigger the rewards at the featured squares.

Monopoly Go Captain’s Quest rewards

Thanks to the Monopoly Go Wiki, we know that there are 199 Pickaxe Tokens and 17,410 Dice Rolls that make up this questline, along with plenty of Sticker Packs and limited-time bonuses.

LevelPoints RequiredRewards
153 Pickaxe Tokens
21030 Dice Rolls
425Sticker Pack
55050 Dice Rolls
6304 Pickaxe Tokens
735Sticker Pack
84040 Dice Rolls
9504 Pickaxe Tokens
10160150 Dice Rolls
125550 Dice Rolls
13657 Pickaxe Tokens
1480Sticker Pack
15425375 Dice Rolls
16708 Pickaxe Tokens
178070 Dice Rolls
188515 minute Builder’s Bash
20675575 Dice Rolls
2110010 Pickaxe Tokens
2211595 Dice Rolls
2413010 Pickaxe Tokens
251,150925 Dice Rolls
26140Sticker Pack
2715015 Pickaxe Tokens
29750575 Dice Rolls
3018018 Pickaxe Tokens
32210150 Dice Rolls
3316010 minute Cash Boost
351,5001,100 Dice Rolls
3625020 Pickaxe Tokens
37300200 Dice Rolls
38450Sticker Pack
391,350925 Dice Rolls
4135022 Pickaxe Tokens
432,2501,400 Dice Rolls
4435015 minute Golden Wheel
4545025 Pickaxe Tokens
46575350 Dice Rolls
483,0001,650 Dice Rolls
4955025 Pickaxe Tokens
5045040 minute Mega Heist
521,800Sticker Pack
5370028 Pickaxe Tokens
54825500 Dice Rolls
564,5002,200 Dice Rolls
5750015 minute Cash Boost
58800375 Dice Rolls
601,400625 Dice Rolls
6210,0001,500 Dice Rolls, Sticker Pack

The Captain’s Quest is expected to expire on February 26, 2025.

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