Home » Manor Lords patch notes focus on balancing

Manor Lords patch notes focus on balancing

manor lords patch notes today

Manor Lords takes city building to a whole new level, with in-depth mechanics and medieval warfare. A new set of patch notes are now live in Manor Lords which make a plethora of balancing updates.

Although Manor Lords has been criticised for its lack of post-launch content, updates have been coming in to act on player feedback and make the game the best it can possibly be.

Manor Lords patch notes (September 3)

Here are the full details of the new experimental branch.

Gameplay and Balance:

  • “Winter fishing” changed to “Advanced Pondkeeping” and now also doubles the pond’s capacity
  • When bought, sheep all have pregnancy counter set to 0 for better predictability of the sheep breeding development branch
  • Upped fish pond regrowth to 50% in spring seasons
  • Increased fishing spots to 11 per pond
  • Fish Pond capacity is no longer random and has doubled from the previous maximum
  • Default fishing reserve upped to 120 to avoid players overfishing by default
  • Increased fishing action speed by reducing loop repetitions from 5 to 2
  • [Experimental] The bonus resource node was removed since most people thought that it’s a bug.
  • [Experimental] Since most people expect between 2-3 ponds and 2-3 salt deposits per map, instead of spawning them as a bonus node from a random pool, fishing ponds can now randomly replace berry deposits, and salt deposits can randomly replace iron deposits. Once again, the randomization uses a fixed pool to spawn 2-3 of those per map, as the players seem to expect.
  • Added generic storage to the Malthouse since it stores fuel
  • Spoilage is now rounded up from half (1.4 becomes 1 unit) instead of always rounding up. If spoilage is lower than a single unit but greater than 0, it becomes a % chance to spoil.
  • Market stalls now have max spoilage reduction as in real life it would have a high turnover (…and it was too punishing)
  • A minimum of 2 sheep are now required for breeding to occur
  • Sheep pregnancy duration lowered to 145 days (+-1) (Variable is currently hidden in the game)
  • The number of lambs born per region cap increased to a maximum of 2 every ten days.
  • Goat extension yield changed to 2 hides and one meat every 150 days + 1 extra meat with the advanced skinning development branch

Minor changes:

  • Enhanced the tooltip for the “NA” price to explain better why it’s not available
  • “Fuel reserve” renamed to “fuel stockpile” not to confuse with the new “reserve” options
  • Removed the “max capacity” placeholder text
  • Added max mining deposit capacity to save data
  • Added a “spoilage multiplier” difficulty setting to the game setup
  • If an animal breeding fails due to collision, another attempt will be made next cycle
  • Adjusted stone gate spawning locations for specific lv3 plots (left side anchored, no expansion upgrade)
  • Added new help buttons to reserve and production limit and added entries for text in barter UI and work area and road curvature


  • Fixed a crash when drawing over 200 waypoints for a squad


  • Fixed: Villagers can fetch water from the not fully constructed well
  • Fixed: Windmill does not respect Production Limit
  • Fixed the tavern production limit being visible even though it doesn’t produce anything
  • Fixed invalid push force scaling at high framerates, resulting in units pushing themselves away indefinitely in rare situations
  • Fixed deer not being startled by buildings
  • Fixed some parts of the lv3 residential stone gate wall floating or spawning with gaps
  • Fixed lv3 stone gate not always being spawned deterministically when a plot is narrow and there is no expansion, leading to some buildings appearing as unconstructed after loading a save
  • Fixed villagers & oxen sometimes not respecting storage filters
  • Fixed “berry” regional strength sometimes being picked even though there is no berries spawned cause a pond replaced them
  • Fixed the heads sometimes disappearing when a newly spawned villager exits a building
  • Fixed soldiers running away from the enemy immediately after loading a save
  • Fixed deer counting as 2 when breeding
  • Fixed setting highlights disappearing after changing the language
  • Fixed storehouse workers collecting fuel stockpiles from buildings that need to be refueled
  • Fixed the “Rooftiles” icon being greyed
  • Fixed the “constantly pause and unpause the game to stop days passing” exploit
  • Fixed deer icon not moving to their lair location after reloading the game
  • Fixed lamb age not loading properly
manor lords patch notes update


  • Tried to tune the ice material to make it less like, according to one player, concrete 🙂
  • [Experimental] Pond material changes: The water edge is softened at the cost of AA motion precision (sadly, we can’t have both). Pond water now receives shadows. Note: Shadows will look pixelated up close with “sharp” shadow settings – Epic is working on a solution as we speak.

More on Manor Lords:

Manor Lords publisher hits back at “pitfalls of Early Access” criticisms |