Home » How to play the FragPunk closed beta

How to play the FragPunk closed beta

fragpunk closed beta sign up

FragPunk was first revealed at the 2024 Xbox Games Showcase as a new 5v5 hero shooter with cards. You’ll be able to choose your character, create your weapon loadout, and pick from a selection of cards that change every round. In the upcoming playtest, you can try 10 heroes, 15 weapons, 4 maps, and a whopping 70 cards. If you want to get in on the action, you can sign up for the FragPunk closed beta.

Betas are important for a multitude of reasons. For players, its an opportunity to see the game first-hand and decide if they want to play the full release. As for developers, it allows them to gather community feedback and fix issues ahead of launch.

How to sign up for the FragPunk closed beta

It’s worth noting that the FragPunk beta will only be available to PC players and there are a couple of ways you can put your name in a hat for a chance at getting a beta code.

First, you can head to the FragPunk official website where you can click “sign up” to the closed beta. A box will then pop up, prompting you to enter your email address and select your country. Once you hit submit, you’ll receive an email if you’ve been chosen to participate in the closed beta.

Another way is to open up Steam and head to the FragPunk page. Below the option to add the game to your wishlist will be a button you can click to request access to the playtest. By requesting access, you’re registering your interest and you’ll have to keep an eye out for a notification if you have been selected.

fragpunk pc beta test

If you didn’t get a beta code the first time around, there will be other opportunities. For now, we can look ahead to the first closed beta which will begin on June 27 and conclude on July 1.

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