Home » Controversial AI voices in The Finals “isn’t an end goal” for the dev team

Controversial AI voices in The Finals “isn’t an end goal” for the dev team

the finals AI voice response

The Finals open beta recently went live and it has proven to be a huge success for the team over at Embark Studios. Stopping the fast-paced action of The Finals in its tracks has been an uproar about AI voices used in the game over human voice actors.

Now, the criticism has been addressed, with the role of AI and real voice acting in the game laid all out on the table.

Embark responds to AI voice acting controversy

An Embark spokesperson told IGN, “We use a combination of recorded voice audio and audio generated via TTS tools in our games, depending on the context.”

They continued to explain, “sometimes, recording real scenes where actors get together — allowing character chemistry and conflict to shape the outcome — is something that adds depth to our game worlds that technology can’t emulate. Other times, especially when it relates to contextual in-game action call-outs, TTS allows us to have tailored voice over where we otherwise wouldn’t, for example due to speed of implementation.”

If you’ve played the open beta, you’ll have first-hand experience of the voice acting, that Embark say are “based on a mix of professional voice actors and temporary voices from Embark employees.”

“Making games without actors isn’t an end goal for Embark and TTS technology has introduced new ways for us to work together.” This final sentence appears to imply that we can expect to see (or rather hear) new and improved voice acting when The Finals fully launches, but it doesn’t rule out the continued use of AI.

the finals AI voice controversy blue haze character

The use of AI over actors has been an incredibly controversial topic in recent months. It’s unknown how the unnamed voice actors in The Finals feel in this instance.

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