Home » Interview: Lente on creating a cleaning sim with an eco-conscious perspective through Spilled!

Interview: Lente on creating a cleaning sim with an eco-conscious perspective through Spilled!

spilled! interview cleaning the environment

Spilled! is the next up and coming relaxing cleaning simulator from indie developer, Lente. In fact, Spilled! has garnered a lot of attention, with the Kickstarter hitting its funding goal in just 12 hours. The premise of the game is simple, you clean the ocean of oil spills and upgrade your boat as you progress in order to tackle bigger challenges.

We were fortunate enough to catch up with Lente to find out more about what players can expect from Spilled! Lente, who grew up and lives on a boat herself hopes to bring an eco-conscious perspective through recycling, extinguishing wildfires, and clearing the waters, all of which are key mechanics in the game.

The ocean needs you

GameScout: What type of player do you think will be interested in Spilled! and why?

Lente: The so called cosy gamers. People that like to play games that are more relaxing and don’t put as much pressure on the player. I’ve also heard some people are interested specifically because of the pixel look, or because of my story behind the game. 

Fans of cleaning games will know that there are a lot of them on the market that have you brushing, wiping, and blasting away dirt and grime, amounting to satisfying gameplay. With that said, Spilled! aims to make its own mark on the genre.

GameScout: What makes Spilled! stand out from other relaxing cleaning games?

Lente: I’d say that there’s not as many games in general that focus on current day issues. So even though it’s subtle, Spilled! touches on issues like pollution and climate change.

GameScout: How do you hope players feel as they progress through the game?

Lente: I hope they feel relaxed first and foremost! I hope it feels satisfying to clean up the oil spills and other types of waste. I also hope they will be curious to see what kinds of environments come next.

spilled! interview relaxing cleaning game

As you clean up the waters in Spilled! you will uncover vibrant wildlife that’s underneath the oil. It’s truly rewarding to see that your efforts are rewarded with a bustling new world, one which changes depending on the biome you are in. The game will see you move through four biomes across eight areas: rainforest, rock, sand and snow.

GameScout: What is your favourite biome in Spilled! and why?

Lente: That’s a tough one for me! I love the recent changes by my team member to the rainforest area. But I also love the snow areas where it’s actually snowing. 

GameScout: Is there a story players can discover about the environment they are in? If so, can you tell us more about how that will develop?

Lente: Spilled! really is a simple game. Besides some short cutscenes, the gameplay really just kind of leads the way.

GameScout: Although Spilled! is intended to be a short game, how are you going to ensure there’s replayability?

Lente: I have added a level selector, so at any time you can replay a level. I’d have to see how many people actually use it and come back after they have finished the game. I think it’s also fine if it’s just a one time experience.

spilled! interview animal names

Along the way, you will rescue adorable creatures from the oil by cleaning in and around the areas they are trapped in. In the demo, you find out that these animals have unique names which caught me off-guard.

GameScout: What inspired the names of the animals you rescue during your playthrough?

Lente: I did a Kickstarter at the start of 2024, and people were able to name the animals actually! So those are all named by backers from the Kickstarter, and a few left over ones are named by family and friends.

Apart from delivering a fun and relaxing experience, Lente hopes to touch on the importance of taking care of the environment, especially when it comes to our waters. To this day, this is a topic that remains underrepresented in video games, but Spilled! may have what it takes to ignite that conversation.

GameScout: How much of your personality/values comes through in the game?

Lente: Personally, I am very much about living sustainably. Especially in recent years I’ve learned a lot more about this area when it comes to solar energy and such. I try to make life choices that are more sustainable. This ranges from choosing not to fly on aeroplanes, to only buying second hand clothes. (Sometimes it’s great for the wallet too!)

spilled! interview snow biome

GameScout: Spilled! feels like one of those games that can take so many avenues. Are there any post launch content updates planned?

Lente: Nothing planned as of yet. I think I need some time away from the game to really free up my mind and get a little inspired again. We will see!

Spilled! will fully launch on Steam on March 26, 2025. Add it to your wishlist now to receive a notification when the game goes live.