Off the back of the immense success of Supermarket Simulator came a Supermarket Together, implementing multiplayer in the management sim. To kick off the New Year, Supermarket Together has received a major update which introduces new content and tweaks existing features.
Expect to see broom skins and new perks that add various benefits to your gameplay. Additionally, the levelling thresholds have been adjusted across multiple staff categories.
Supermarket Together update (January 1)
Here are the full patch notes to read at your leisure.
Change log
- Implemented a new kind of perks in the improvement blackboard called Star Perks, these will cost more than one franchise point and will feature advanced upgrades. So far, the following are available:
- A perk that converts the trash container just outside into a recycling one.
- A perk that updates the software in the pricing machine and introduces an option for it to automatically set all products pricing to the desired percentage.
- A perk that makes time pass five times faster. Can only be triggered during nights when all customers have left the store and employees are busy in restocking or storage. Once acquired, a clock will appear in the manager’s room and players will be able to click on it to activate/deactivate the feature. If employees finish their restocking tasks it will deactivate by itself. This kind of time altering features may be expected troublesome, if issues are found feel free to post a topic about it.
- Implemented a skin system for brooms and the first five skins are rewards that can be acquired from a capsule machine in front of the supermarket that uses winter event’s rewards as coins. Some skins are rarer than others and their rarity is indicated by their respective star colour in the broom-selecting machine (gold, silver and bronze).
- Players’ broom skin of choice can be set in a machine next to the capsule machines until a more refined way is developed. Skins are only visualized when a player is carrying them.
- Moderately increased the threshold for cashiers to level up as it was too fast. Players may notice a reduction in their cashiers’ grades.
- Cashiers levelling up will progressively decrease the time they take in checking out products added to the time saves provided from perks. Note for now this will reach a cap inherent to how the game queues NPC tasks but it should be noticeable.
- Security crew leveling up will also make them progressively hit thieves faster.
- Employees will suffer a small speed penalty if they are not happy.
- Implemented a secondary way of managing stats, this could improve problems related to a few players crashing every new day.
- Implemented a system that will move old backups to an auxiliary folder in the save location, this way Steam Cloud won’t act wrong when trying to sync too many files (there’s a limit.)
- Added a new setting in General options for hosts to automatically end the day if desired in case they want to go AFK in an online game.
- Adjusted potted sprout and potted bamboo decoration colliders so they can better overlap with other entities or the store.
- Fixed an issue related to thieves that made them drop the same product several times in a row instead of the actual list they stole.
- Limited opening and closing the store and buying space expansions to the manager’s role in multiplayer games.
- For better readability, unlock/require information fields in the perk’s blackboard will now display bigger if there’s only one field to show.
- Extended Winter event until day 8th for the stragglers and Minigrusches will always give a star token.

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