Supermarket Simulator does what it says on the tin. You’re in charge of your own store, stocking shelves, working at the till, fulfilling online orders, and even fending off shoplifters. It’s a simple concept for a management sim, but it’s effective, displayed by the 38,056 peak player count in the past 24-hours. The development team are keeping up with player’s growing stores with the Supermarket Simulator storage update.
Thanks to this patch, there’s significantly more space for you to work with, so storing all your valuable stock will no longer be an issue.
Supermarket Simulator update (March 4)
As the name suggests, the storage update provides your supermarket with a much needed expansion. In fact, all the ways to store your items just got even bigger. While storage expansions have been added, the cost of purchasing storage has been reduced. Also, the physical ceiling has been raised for more storage opportunities and now there are racks to organise your stock room. We can now officially call it a stock room, as a door between your supermarket and storage room has been fitted.

Apart from the main update, a handful of bug fixes have rolled out, including repairs for invisible points, overlapping shelf items, moving shelves, and rogue fridges pushing players. Interaction distance has too been increased for greater efficiency.
The game launched into Early Access on February 20, 2024. With it being very early in Supermarket Simulator’s lifecycle, fans can expect plenty of other updates to look forward to in the future.
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