Home ยป Microsoft document reveals The Elder Scrolls 6 will be an Xbox exclusive and won’t release until at least 2026

Microsoft document reveals The Elder Scrolls 6 will be an Xbox exclusive and won’t release until at least 2026

The Elder Scrolls 6 release date leaked announcement trailer image

The Microsoft vs FTC court case appears to be the new E3, as even more future game details have emerged. This time, The Elder Scrolls 6 has been put under the spotlight, with Xbox exclusivity and a potential release date revealed.

The Elder Scrolls VI was first revealed back in 2018. In various interviews since then, Xbox boss, Phil Spencer has been vague about what platforms the game will be available on.

The Elder Scrolls VI will be an Xbox exclusive

A document regarding The Elder Scrolls 6 featured in the FTC and Microsoft court case, as revealed by The Verge. The document is a chart, containing a collection of Microsoft’s approach to exclusivity following acquisitions made since 2018. At the end of the chart is The Elder Scrolls VI, with the release date “TBC, but expected 2026 or later” and the platforms it’ll be available on are exclusively Xbox and PC.

The Elder Scrolls 6 xbox exclusive according to US court document

In a statement attached to The Elder Scrolls VI section of the chart, Phil Spencer states, “In order to be on Xbox, I want us to be able to bring the full complete package of what we have. And that would be true when I think about Elder Scrolls 6.”

Microsoft acquired Bethesda back in 2020 and some may argue it was only a matter of time until Bethesda’s biggest titles became Xbox exclusives. From the chart alone, we can see just how the games progress to become Xbox exclusives. Also, the upcoming India Jones game is expected to skip PlayStation, too.

Make sure to stay tuned, as more details from the Microsoft vs FTC case are coming in.

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